About Service

Invisalign treatment in Belfast & Hillsborough allows you to transform your smile discreetly and comfortably with virtually-invisible, removable braces.

Invisalign aligners are completely transparent and custom made to gradually straighten your teeth without using any metal wires or brackets. Your aligners can discreetly correct several different orthodontic issues in as little as three months.

The aligners look like clear, flexible retainers and are removable, so you can take them out when eating or brushing your teeth. 

Impressions are taken and sent to the lab for analysis. They use cutting edge technology to design your aligners which are worn for approximately 2 weeks each. Once your aligners are made the first aligner is then fitted by your dentist and you will start to see results in a matter of weeks.

Length of procedure

Individual to each patient


Members: From £1710 per arch

Non Members: From £1900 per arch

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the frequently asked questions

How many aligners will be required?

Every patient is different. Impressions of your teeth are sent to our orthodontic lab who use cutting edge technology to see how many aligners will be required to straighten your teeth. Once we know how many aligners are required we can give you an exact price and duration for treatment.

How often do I need to wear the aligners?

Aligners must be worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day, only taking out for brushing and eating. If they are not worn continuously throughout the day it will impact your treatment duration and end result.

Once the treatment is finished how will I ensure my teeth stay in position?

To ensure your teeth do not move post treatment, a permanent wire will be bonded behind the teeth and we also recommend a removable retainer to wear at night.

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We currently have two locations in Northern Ireland. Please see below for more details.